Have you ever thought about a other animal other than a human?
Most of you, right? You must have cared to some sort of animals, but have you ever thought about animal that has nothing to do with you? And you felt sorry for the pouched and killed animals.
If you are reading this artical then you have internet access, none of you have ever been to the point that you have to eat your own pet, but evn when that happens you still should care about animals. We are animals and we are causing a mass extinction(We'll talk about that in a other artical).
I have another question for you: Do you think animal should not be hurt unnecessary? We have laws to enforce that, those laws are useless. The animals being hurt is necessary when ever we say so.
This should be a picture of thousand of tusk being put ther which ment that hundred of elephant will die.
Heres one of the most requested thing I going to talk about among my friends: Facts, either devastating or great news:
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