Hello, and welcome back to HelpTheEarth,


Have you ever thought about others?

If you have then good, But have you ever thought about animals think, how they feel and their enmotions?

Have you ever thought about the Earth? How the Earth give us all wounderful things that we use every day?

But how are we treating the Earth and animals when they are giving us so much? Think about that in your head for a moment.

Well, what do you think?

Are we caring about the Earth?

Guys, I'm sorry to admit this, humans, us, we suck at protecting the Earth, our own planet. It's home to 7.5 billion people, it's our home, this earth is a house that is 196.9 million square miles. And every one who ever lived in it. Hello there to the one's that said yes that we are doing a good job to protect animals and the Earth.

What I about to tell you is incredible. I'm hitting you with hard facts.

-Every year there is 2.7 MILLION dogs and cats are killed in shelters!

-Rhinos are killed at a rate of 2 per day!

-Since 1960 The Black rhino population had decreased 97.6% due to pouching

-Since 2006 the african elephant population has decrease 4.2 TIMES! And the asia elephants has decreased 7.5 TIMEs in population!(See below for detailed numbers.)

-Every day there are 15 species going extinct.

-Every two you hours you used in you used, a animal has completly died out.

-30%-50% of the animals ar going extinct at mid centry( if you are reading this in 21st centry)!


You may ask, "What about the elephants, since they are pouched the most for their ivory." Yes, they are pouched the most, because they are big and way easier to kill,plus their ivory is way more larger than a rhino's horn. People may say, "There are still a lot of elephants left. If would take us 400 year to kill them all!" Right? Wrong. At the rate of how much we are pouching them now, we will kill them all 400 with only one zero, lets be real here, thats 40 YEARS, which is about the time when oil runs out. Is there a lot of elephants left? The anwser is NO. There are two main kinds of elephants, one is mainly where your ivory comes from: The african elephant, these are estimated 500000~700000 left. The other kind makes Asia rich: The asia elephant, these are estimated only 30000~50000 thousand left, they are marked as endangered by the United Nation in 2015.

You probebily heard of this before: a mass extinction

Are we causing a mass extinction??

When people make a arugument about this, they may say, "The elephants started at a litte population. So after ONLY a few years of pouching we only kill a few thousand." Right?Wrong, aging. Our elephants sarted at a huge population at the beging of the 20th centry

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Here's the site where you can help and learn about the Earth.


Where you can help to protect the earth and wildlife.

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